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The most important thing to consider when using your stove or wood burner is the quality of the fuel you put in it. The better the fuel is, the more heat you will get for your money!
There are 3 things to consider when buying firewood for your stove or wood burner. The most important is moisture content, as this has the biggest effect on the amount of heat that your firewood will produce. When trees are felled they typically have a water content of 50% or more. If you burn wet logs much of the energy locked up within the firewood will be used to dry the wood and produce steam, rather than heating your home. The second thing to consider is species, as hardwoods grow more slowly than softwoods they are denser and this means you will use less firewood for the same heat output if you buy hardwood logs. Lastly always buy your firewood by volume, not weight as the wetter the wood the heavier it will be!
For more information on firewood please visit the firewood facts page.
Quite simply - kiln dried firewood is easier to light, burns more cleanly and efficiently, giving you much more heat for your money with less smoke, smell, ash and tar!
We recommend you use our Kiln Dried Stove Logs in your stove or wood burner. They are produced from Sweet Chestnut that has been coppiced locally and dried in our kilns to an average moisture content of 20% or less. Sweet Chestnut is a fast growing hardwood that can be found growing throughout Kent and gives out a lot of heat when burnt.
For more information on coppicing please visit the environmental page.
Bertie's logs burning bright in a customer's stove.